Those of you who have attended my “All About You” events know that I talk about the global shift in human consciousness, 3rd to the 5th Dimension. But what does that mean ?
As we move forward into our ‘new’ world it is increasingly important to understand what the Universe is asking of us during this ascension.
For quite a few years there has been many of us wondering what would change the way we have been living? What would be the catalyst for change? What would it take to change the negatives in our world into positives? so we can move towards a more loving, honest and sustainable future for generations to come.
We were wondering what our legacy to future generations was going to be - it looked very grim to say the least. None of us liked where we were collectively heading and wanted change but didn’t know how or what to do to create the much needed change.
We knew life was so very busy for us all - out of control. Lots of doing, doing, doing, wanting more, competitiveness, less or rushed time for family and no time to just ‘be’. Separation on so many levels. We wondered how it was all going to end, so we could finally stop and take a breath….
The pandemic was the catalyst for change!
It gave us time to stop, take a breath and contemplate.
All of humanity were suddenly on the same page and asked to do the same thing – which was STOP, BREATHE and REFLECT.
After we had done that, then we were being asked to expand and create. Expand our feelings, expand our thinking and expand our awareness to become more aware of what was going on around us - but also within us.
An opportunity to observe, reflect and perceive our planet and ourselves in a different way.
In order for us humans to move into the 5th Dimension we must pass through the 4th Dimension. This is where the cleansing, the purging and the releasing happens. As the new comes in the old must fall away and this process can be confronting.
We have to become comfortable with being uncomfortable as we face the shadow side of our selves and our world. It wont last forever - we must have patience.
Change isn’t always comfortable but it is necessary.
The ascension is asking us to stop with the distraction and be still and quiet with ourselves.
As we move from the challenge and density of the 3rd Dimension, towards the promised 5th Dimension, we feel the effects of the rise in vibration in all aspects of our being (physically, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually…)
Underlying energies of fear, abuse, war and greed are gradually being wiped out and a shift towards love, compassion and peace are emerging as the new world energy.
It has been prophesied that we will move into a ‘Golden Age’ - and this is all a part of the shift. It is happening right now - to all of us!
The idea is to face the fear, acknowledge it, breathe into it and ask the Universe to help you gently shift it, with love. Replacing it with love - love for ourselves first and foremost.
We are learning not to be so wasteful, replacing throw away, one time use things in our homes to become more sustainable in our own homes. We are learning to buy Australian made again, to bring the power, money and jobs back home to our own.
A move back to nature and the basics.
Families have been challenged to be more gentle and kind to each other because one thing that is truly emerging is that people are far more important than things. We all deserve to be treated with kindness and respect and love.
When issues arise remember that LOVE is always the answer – to everything!
Ask yourself “How would love deal with this situation?”
In order for us to bring the 5th Dimensional energy into our lives, we have to heal past wounds and fears as we face our deepest shadows. We are being called to reconnect with our true authentic selves. To stand tall in our sovereignty and be all we can be.
It may feel scary and we may find ourselves in the company of a lot of resistance as we begin the process of opening up to what we fear. We must learn to surrender and face the demons that plague us because facing our shadow will help it to dissolve.
When it dissolves, we can replace it with our thoughts, visions and intentions of a better future and life for all. Our thoughts really do create our reality so we must become more in tune with our thoughts and take control of them.
Have courage and be brave in clearing that which you no longer need – to create your new future – the new you. While the mind is busy, busy, thinking all day it becomes almost impossible for our inner voice and inner wisdom to surface and be heard. Create the empty space for it to emerge within yourself. The rewards will be many if you do.
Seek support and guidance as needed, light workers are ready and waiting to help you. Invest in yourself like never before because that’s all that matters - you!
Gradually, people, groups and governments who have been corrupt and unethical and doing the wrong thing will begin to crumble.
If we listen to our voice within, it will tell us when to take action and when to speak up about issues we disagree with.
We are moving towards becoming more authentic in what we think, feel do and say.
Take time, find the stillness - to just be with yourself. You will be well rewarded!
Trust that everything happens for a reason and it will all be ok.